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From: $2.00 / month

Enlisted Traveler Subscription


The Enlisted Traveler Program: A chance for fans of Kardashev to get an inside look and participate in the evolution of Deathgaze.

Starting today, you will gain a unique and valuable insight into the Kardashev universe while also participating in future album development.

What you get:

  • Access to Kardashev’s digital dashboard for album planning
  • Access to current demos of Kardashev music, updated weekly
  • Access to our recording process archive including every iteration of each song
  • Custom Kardashev product designs at your request
  • Insights into our process, lore, and decision making

How you’re recognized:

  • Unique Discord Role
  • VIP Twitch Badge (Limited to the first 30 ETP)
  • Credits in Kardashev’s Instagram
  • Credits in Music Videos
  • Credits in album art booklets (must be currently enrolled at the cutoff)
  • Credits on the home page of Kardashevband.com

Just choose the Tier you’re comfortable with from the drop-down and checkout.



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