I hope you’re feeling well and have finally taken a breath after the business of the holidays. Mark, Alex, Sean and I spent much needed time with family and we hope you had a pleasant end of your 2021. 😊
To those of you who got our 2022 email, you know what we’re working on what to expect from us this year, but remember, we love hearing from you! So don’t be afraid to ask for something from us!
New Music ✅
Live streams ✅
Playthrough videos ✅
and more!
Nico’s been toying with the idea of an acoustic EP of Kardashev songs and he’s demoed a few to get an idea of what it might sound like. These are not finished, but rather demos to get the band thinking about what it might sound like. Between Sea and Sky has a sort of “island” feel at times while Snow-Sleep has the potential to be the next big country hit (/s).
Have a listen to where they are as of now and let us know what you think!
Beyond the acoustic variations approach, we’re also into demoing some songs for the next album which has a SUPER sick theme.
Next Album Concepts
Mark and Nico have long discussed the desire to follow up Excipio and The Almanac with the third and final Kardashev mythos-based album and we think that’s what we’ll write next. The idea that there is a beautiful future ahead of us as a people, species, society, etc. is a foreign concept to many people and in a sense it’s a loss of hope and faith in humanity. At times we can feel alone, abandoned and like the world around us is falling apart, and while that may be true, there is a chance to hope and make change. Or at least, we think it’s worth it to try. Not for nobility. Not for fame and glory, but because if we don’t, who will?
We’ve tossed around some ideas on how this will be revealed in our music and lyrics, but we do know one thing for certain; we’ll convey the message through an idea that we call a beautiful and unbearable future. Something so beautiful and wonderful that it instills a sense of hope for what is to come.
Take it back to our roots, to our name sake and consider for a moment the lens of the Kardashev scale as not a hypothetical analysis of energy consumption, but rather a result of things going right. Of things actually working out and people setting their differences and pettiness aside for a greater and more meaningful future. A future that has less suffering, less pain, less surviving and more flourishing. What does that look like? How does it feel? Can that feeling and picture be captured into a moment? How about into an album?
That’s the idea. Capture that and let people call upon it whenever they see fit. Give YOU the means to feel this way whenever you have the time to listen.
With that being said, here’s a demo of what that may sound like:
This is a big change for us, but Nico’s made the executive decision to start approaching merch differently. We’re going to maintain our high quality, high value approach, but now we’re going to be doing limited runs. Low quantity, high quality. With that, here’s the first item:
Coming soon!
Playthrough Video Test Footage
That’s all for today, but we’ll have more in the coming weeks and thank you all so very much for your love and support! 😀