Hello, Stranger
Nico Mirolla

DS-ALPHA 12389-38

Hello Travelers!

Thank you for being here with us and thank you for your continued support! Without you we might just be another garage band rocking out at our local bar occasionally, but that’s not the case and it’s all thanks to you and your love of what we do! So let’s get you some updates on the band on-goings!

Band Member Updates

Mark (🎤) is a busy dad with a poppin’ business and he’s enlisted my help once again! So if you see his social media highlights on TikTok, Instagram or YouTube, leave a comment and be sure to share it for us! 😀

Sean (🥁) might be getting me some head shot photos soon which would mean that we can finally update our public image, but for now, he’s chugging away on drums for the new record, working out regularly, and being a dad and business owner. haha

Alex (🐟) is doing well! A few weeks ago I, Nico, watched his puppy, Ginger, for a week while he as out of town with his dad. Now, something you should know is that Alex is taking a hiatus from Kardashev (As indicated on the Milanote dashboard) until he’s ready to come back or until the end of the 2023 calendar year when we’ll have a check-in with him. 🙂 But until then, it’s just Mark and I grinding out the next parts of the album. Either way, we all love him and hope he finds the answers he needs.

I, Nico (🎸) am staying super busy with all things Kardashev and family care for my father. I’ve been prototyping products on my 3d printer, vinyl cutter, 3d modeling and more lately and I’ll share some with you today in the “Merch” section! Outside of those things, I’m back on Twitch on Friday’s working on my performance abilities to keep my back strong and my legs limber, so be sure to come hang out at 2pm PST/5pm EST!


Here’s the link to listen today, but remember it’s also on the dashboard when you login to our site!

We’ve moved away from uploading demo’s here on our blog to using a visual, digital workspace to represent our work-flow. 😊 With that, here’s a quick video explaining how it works!

Merch R&D

I’ve been BUSY working on some WILD merch for you all and if you’re interested in these, please let me know!

Car Vinyl Stickers and Keychains

I’m working on White/Black/Gold vinyl stickers for our supporters and fans. Here are the current available designs, let me know if you’re interested. 🙂


I’m trying to decide between two enamel pins right now for this year’s pin release and maybe you can help me decide between the 2″ Enlisted Traveler Elizabethan Baroque pin drawn by Riley Smith of Death Metal Pop Art and the simple Kardashev bar logo (Will be larger than .5″ tall). Let me know in Discord.

Miniature Collectible Figurines

I’ve been working hard to make these cool collectible figurines available and properly boxed for display or play. My intent with these is to offer the nerds of our community a collectible figure-set that can be either collected, painted and displayed or used in Table Top RPG’s. I also plan to offer “music video” versions, full drum set options, settings, and maybe even 1-off meme stuff, like Mark eating a piece of bark off of a real tree in the forest.

Super Secret Project

If you or anyone you know is interested in a HUGE project that I sincerely think will take off like crazy, please DM me or offer them my email (info@kardashevband.com)

1 comment

  • Nico, dude, thanks for the amazing music you lads are putting out. As a side question, my little guy, Bo, (4) has somehow (happily) developed a Kardashev fixation. (Dad, put on Kardashev, the songs about the man that has forgotten and the forests and the cabin) Now, big stretch likely, but are you looking at doing kidlet merch? #deathgazekiddies???
    Gus, Australia

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